Levi’s Learning Center aims to establish a culture of fun + exploration in learning through problems/project based learning, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math), and strategic educational interventions. We also offer Professional Development for teachers + staff to show creative ways differentiated and engaging implementation can happen throughout the classroom. We believe learning is all around us and students thrive when the information is presented in a way they learn.

About Us

Vision: Student learning in a language they understand

Mission: To be a mediating solution for communities + families by providing world-class educational interventions, leadership development, advanced technological resources + training, emotional intelligence coaching and effective problem solving skills to students of all ages.

Hi! Im Meshell.

I have always been a lover of learning + a creative. Throughout my school years, I realized early on that I learned differently than most kids in my class. Although I thrived academically, the credit was less on my in-school instruction, and more on how I would re-teach myself the lessons at home, incorporating stories, dances, songs & drawings to help me understand and remember concepts. As an educator of 11 years, I continue teaching the way I learn, often closing text books and instructing concepts in a language my students understand.



Although Levi’s Learning Center was officially established in 2023, the concept was birthed in 2008, the birth year of Levi.

Levi is the son of founder, Meshell Branker. Brilliant in his own right, Levi grasped concepts quickly, yet all while standing away from the table, singing High School Musical, dancing around and doing flips. Meshell quickly learned that the traditional educational system was not going to serve her son’s genius. So she began to experiment different ways to teach him using the things he cared about, while simultaneously preparing him to be successful in the traditional environment she knew he would someday encounter.

Levi’s Learning Center has been built on the foundation that each child learns differently and at their own pace. We aim to be the most effective, creative and engaging supplemental resource for all types of learning and learners.